I remember on Christmas Day, you'd always come and wake me up at the crack of dawn by jumping on me (this was back in the days when you got up at 7am, rather than going to bed then!). Then we'd wait at the top of the stairs, waiting for Mum and Dad to drag themselves out of bed so we could open our presents.

I'm going to miss you so much.

— Alex Peattie

Absolutely tragic news, had the privelege to play with crazy legs in football last year, was a great man had full respect for him and was the nicest guy you could ever meet. Condolences are with the family and his close friends at this hard time. RIP buddy you will be missed xxx

— Michael owen

PT, my best mate, i have so many memories. One of my favourites has got to be in Magaluf when you got your shorts wet and tried to use a hairdryer to dry it before we went out and not knowing how to use a hairdryer, you burnt a hole in your shorts. I was left to finish drying it for you whilst everyone fell around laughing at you.

I am going to miss you so so much.

You will still always have the best smile out of anyone i know.

Love you mate.

— Ashley Blair

Summer 2009's highlight has to be you getting your eyebrow shaved off, then spending the rest of the summer drawing it on with Emma's eyeliner.

I'm going to miss you so much, you were always so happy and one of the most well liked people I know.

Love you xx

— Ciara O'Beirne

It still hasn't sunk in if I'm honest PT. Can't believe I'm writing on your memorial page. You were a top guy and liked by everyone.

You struggling to swim in Magaluf was hilarious, maybe you couldn't swim because of your oversized chest!

You always brightened up my day with your award winning smile! Miss you lots man xx

— Ben Thomas


I remember in 6th form when everyone was pressuring you to get your drivers license, but you were one step ahead of us. Always. Waited until we got our cars and saved yourself so much money getting lifts from us! Everyday you asked to go for some KFC, you were my chicken buddy. Every time I have a piece of your favourite chicken I'm going to remember you. You were always happy and always ready to crack open some vodka. Crazy PT, missing you so much!!

Rica xx

— Erica Henderson

One night out, PT was talking to me about uni, worrying about making friends. He was so easy to reassure, because everybody that I know loved PT, there was never a negative word said about him. My condolences to his family and all of his many many friends. One man who left a positive mark on everyone he met.

— Mike Cooper

Only knew you for a few months at uni mate but we became great friends in a short time, the most genuine person i've ever had the privelage of knowing, I will miss you when spraying bouncers with water pistols man x

— Sam Roadhouse

It come as a great shock to me yesterday when i found out of your passing. I sat there numb did not know what to say, I am not going to claim I was one of closest mates because i wasn't but i seen you as a friend as nearly every i know did you were a privilege to know and to play along side for Pentyrch. Old Bambi legs never failed to make us laugh and ill never forget some of the great goals you scored. Fanc Tonyrefail Away next week ha we had fun up there all of us memories of you which will stay with me forever. I still cant actually believe whats happened. You made everyone laugh no matter what. Your'll be sorely loved and missed i can assure you.

Sleep Tight Crazy Legs

Love Nathan xx

— Nathan

Knew Mat back from primary days, being captain of the school football team - a real genuine guy. Rest in peace - Tom.

— Tom Spiteri

Dont even know where to start PT, worst news i have ever heard mate, all i can say is atleast you always had a smile on your face and constantly laughing. Such a loss and my thoughts go to your family, see you for one last time on the 16th mate x

— Martyn Jones

Last time I saw you, you were marveling at how the ice-cream machine outside Costcutter in Birmingham had Ben and Jerrys. The look of delight on your face was priceless! Gonna miss bumping into you to and from lectures. You'll be sorely missed by everyone. So much love mate x

— Lawrence Willmott

PT, you really were the most genuine, kind guy I've ever met. You'd talk to anyone no matter who it was. I don't think you had one enemy. I only saw you in Mcdonalds last week! It's so unfair your life has been taken and you will be so sorely missed. All my love to your family. Rest in peace PT xxxxxxxx

— charl gardner

Well, Peattie is one of those people that you can genuinely say was always happy no matter what was going on. He was the most relaxed person I've met in my entire life, which is what made him so special to spend time with. I'd have to say that one of the more memorable times I spent with you was the 7 hours waiting in the hospital when you had a bad chest, where we literally spoke about everything possible, our past, present and future. After that day I really thought I'd found a friend for life and I can't put into words how devastating it is for me that you've moved on early.

The amount you affected me in only 8 months together shows what an incredible human being you are, and my thoughts go out to his family and friends who knew him even longer than me, Birmingham's never gonna be the same without you bro.

RIP Peattie, this time 2 weeks ago we were playing cards getting ready to go out, this time 20 years from now you'll still be on my mind, Love you man, Henry. x

p.s Dunno what I'm going to do without you at Gatecrasher now, I can't just walk about by myself.....

— Henry Le Jeune

Hi, i'm Dennis, I met Mat at Tennis Courts when I came to Uni, Mat was always cheerful and happy and I guess his positive energy rubbed off on everyone, he was always up for a laugh and was always a part of the lads. Mat will always be remembered to everyone that was fortunate enough to meet him, and will be a legend until the end of time! I even told him this on the Thursday we finished uni!

I am truly sorry that he's been taken away from his family and friends and I hope God takes good care of his special child.

Rest In Perfect Peace Matthew Peattie x.

Dennis Watson

— Dennis

Difficult to choose a memory of you mate, you left so many! Thinking back on the days of maths and economics, im sure you had a smile on your face for every minute of it. Loved the time we made ice cream pancakes at my house, and you used up all my ice cream on your one pancake, so we all had none :'). Gonna miss you so much mate, thinking of your family xxx

— Tom Hutchinson

Still can't believe it, such a tragic loss. Genuinely one of the nicest lads I've ever met and it was an absolute privilege to know you! Can't remember seeing you without a smile on your face. Gonna miss you buddy, 'peattie and the boys' will live on forever in your memory! RIP mate x

— Jack Stephens

I am in complete shock, you were such a genuine chap! Loved by all friends with all. You gave everyone a chance in school to talk to especially me. I couldn't have admired more of a peoples person with that amazing funny personality you always had and a big smile on your face at school. R.I.P PT xx

— Geraint Atkins

Matthew, I can't believe you're gone... I've literally just heard about what happened, and I am at a loss for words. Back in highschool, we may not have been really close friends, but we were good friends nonetheless. You had this magnetic charm that pulled people in and made them instantly like you. You were always a pleasure to be around and to speak to. Your smile was amazing, and I don't think I ever saw you without it; you were always so happy - you were an inspiration to us all. I know that I have lost contact with a lot of my friends from Radyr, but I have never forgotten any of you; I cared deeply for you all because you were all a part of my life. To think of losing any of you breaks my heart... and for it to happen so soon makes it all the more harder to deal with. Nobody should be taken away from us at such a young age. You had your whole life ahead of you. I know, though, that you'll be looking down on us with your trademark smile, Matthew. We'll miss you so much. You were amazing, and I am so happy that I had the pleasure of meeting you. You'll be forever remembered. Rest in peace.

— Jordan Osman

Its not offen you can say you know somebody who was always smiling whenever you saw them. Honestly the kindest, nicest and happiest person I have met. You will always be the most gangster pupil from our year PT! A true true legend, you will be missed bro. R.I.P xxx

— Joshua Roberts

I only knew you briefly in school and it wasn't that well, but you always smiled and talked nicely. Can't believe what happened, your parents should be proud. Thought to all the family and friends. R.I.P x

— Serena James

PT, i just can't tell you how much i'll miss you. The thought of being in my room at uni, walking into the kitchen and not seeing you sat there with that massive infectious grin on your face is making me sick. Or walking into pre drinks and seeing you stood there topless swigging rum from the bottle while someone irons your shirt in the middle of the kitchen. You were such a top lad, and you've left all of us in Block 17 with no idea of how to carry on without you.

We will remember you for the rest of our lives PT, you've been an absolute inspiration to all of us. My condolences to the rest of his family and friends, i can only imagine the hurt you guys are feeling after having had this incredible boy be such a big part of your lives for so long.

We love you so much buddy! Have fun up there with God and his angels :-) xxx

— Michael Mekhael

Knowing you pt you are probably up there now chilling with Tupac and a big box of chicken... FO SHO!. You will never ever be forgotten, Im going to miss your woddle walk and your hand on chest stance and your big cheesy smile. You are one in a million, thank you for leaving me with so many amazing memories. Except, the garage rumour... that was not cool! I will always love you and I will never forget you. I just cant believe it. I have been slipping back and forth between denial and reality and everytime I start to believe it, its like i've heard it from the first time.

My thoughts are with your family too! Your mum and dad often opened the door and I would be like "is pt in!?" forgetting that they too are pt! :') I just cant believe I am never going to see you again. Me and Owen were talking about you the other day! I wanted you to come out with us but he said you were still ill :( I missed you last week and I miss you now. I am always going to miss you and so will everyone who ever had the privilege of knowing you.

Tell Tupac I said hey and hope you are now at peace.

There wont be a day go past where you wont come into my mind, always in our hearts.

— Mary-Anne Gorey

You really were one in a million peattie! It goes without saying that you were one of the most likeable person i have ever met, always smiling always laughing. You will be missed by so many, my thoughts go out to your close friends and family, cant imagine what life will be like for them without you.

You will never be forgotten, rest in peace xxx

— Jessica Grainger

It's so unfair, I still can't believe it. You were such a genuinely good person and you always made everyone happier. I'm truly sorry that you wont be here anymore, we will really, really miss you PT xxx

— Charlie

Rest in peace mattie, suchvery nice guy, will never forget you texting someone's mum instead of them haha x

— Thea

Peattie you radiated happiness!! You walked into a room and everybody knew your presence. Such a beautiful smile, a kind heart and just an unforgettable person. I cannot remember a time where I saw you without a smile on your face. There are so many memories of you, Birmingham won't be the same without you! You always asked me or Hannah to iron your shirt right before you went out and didn't have an idea how to cook, but that made you who you are, and just made you even more loveable! I could never say no to you! You were always so game for anything, (I remember the time you asked me if it was okay to down fairy liquid haha)... Its hard to think that just less than 2 weeks ago we were looking back on our time together at uni... So many fond dear memories of you Peattie I pray for you and your family to give them strength. Love you lots Peattie xxx

— Devika Devlia

Don’t know even where to begin mate, I have only good memories of you no bad ones. I can remember in science where we first met and we had such a laugh and became great friends. You were the most genuinely nicest guy I have ever met, no one had a bad word to say about you. Everyone is going to miss you loads.

Rest in peace buddy X

— Evan Fletcher

Peattie, I can't quite explain just how much i'm going to miss you. You were one of my best friends and one of the most genuine people I have ever met. You never failed to make anyone smile and your cracking one liners always made everyone laugh. I'm not quite sure who i'm gonna be able to watch the last series of one tree hill with now or whose plates i'm gonna use when my washing up may still be sat on the side. Uni is never going to be the same without you and i'm going to miss your amazing pout. I really am going to miss your 'awesomness.' I have so many memories of you which make me smile and which I won't ever forget. One memory in particular is the confusion i had as I walked to the uni train station, seeing a hoody in the distance with 'Regan-Capes' written down the arm and the sudden realisation as I caught up with you, that it was you going home for the weekend in my school hoody. I enjoyed sharing various items of my wardrobe with you. Lots of love always xxxxxxxx

— Sorcha Regan-Capes

Never thought that going into work today would end up recieving a text message about this tragedy! I have never been more shocked before in my life, I don't think there was ever a moment seeing you without a smile, or a conversation without a joke or a laugh being heard! You were always a happy bubbly person, who always made everyone feel happy, after school we only saw eachother a few times and spoke on a number of occasions, but we always made each other laugh, you weren't just a friend, you were much more than that, a class mate, biology lab partner, team mate for the "Amazing" Pentyrch! You didn't change on or off the field! Always having a good time but also making sure your job was done! I hope you can guide usthrough life, making all the right decisions, it was amazing to have known you mate and to be friends with you! Rest In Peace Mat x

— Andrew Gray

PT, can't get over it. Keep remembering the way you would start every conversation with a 'YES JORGE'. Every time we'd bump into each other, you would always take the time to have a chat and you'd always make me smile. Such a great guy, had some brilliant memories with you, as did everyone who knew you, like the time you tried, and failed, to sit on my bike! Lots of love buddy.

— Jorge Powell

Couldn't believe my eyes when I seen this! Such a great person taken way too soon your going to me missed by loads PT. And I'll admit you were always better than me at basketball :) rest in peace mate. Thoughts go out to family x

— Chris Sims

RIP, thought are with you and your family :( x

— Natashia murdock

Still can't believe it! You'll always be remembered for your smile + amazing personality! You brought light to everyone you mets life! GCSE maths and IT wouldn't have been the same without you, you made them great! Rest in peace PT xxx

— Emily Rowlands

Dear Alex, I've no words to describe how much I'm sorry....

I haven't met your brother, but he was surely a very good person, as you are. I'm really sad,

warm hugs! Condolence to your family.


— Federica

Peattie was known for wearing his pink “mootiful” onesie, his collection of ralph lauren shirts, his AMAZING general knowledge, love for Tupac and Drake songs and of course his smile! He had a smile that would lighten anyone’s day and a heart of gold. What can say, he’s always been there for me especially during nights out! We did everything together; cooked, ate, worked, chilled and that is why he was my best friend, and I am privileged to have met such an “ahsome” person. I have so many memories with Peattie, but one of my favourite has got to be learning our “amazing” dance move at Risa! Hope you don’t forget it man! And going absolutely nuts whenever Rack City and Next Hype came on in the club <3

Words can’t describe how much I’m going to miss you Peattie, I would do anything to be with you again. You are genuinely the most caring and loving person I have ever met, keep on smiling buddy! You will always be in my heart bro! Love you man!!!!!


P.S. Joe was right you are like my carer, appreciate you looking after me and being there when I needed you.


— Karan Vadher

Possibly the nicest guy I have ever met, a genuine nice person but an ever better friend, I remember the times we used to play football down the lewis arms park and one time where I accidently ripped your shorts and was meant to buy you a new pair but never got round to it. I had some brilliant memories with you and my thoughts go out to your family. A true friend and you will never be forgotten. love you mate

— Daniel Stone

Everytime I saw you, you were smiling or laughing =) Rest in peace PT xxx

— Ceri James

Such tragic news. Never knew you that well but you seemed such a nice person! thoughts are with your family and closeset friends x

— Rhiannon fisher

I'll never forget growing up with you Peattie, the countless hours we spent playing football in your garden and the fun we had in the den! Walking round the corner to Wills house with Owen and the lunch breaks with beans on toast and squash. Calling for Mike on the way to Morganstown park, spending whole days playing football in the sun. I can't come to terms with the fact that you're gone, and I just want you to know you are part of some of the fondest memories I will ever have and you shall never be forgotten! I hope you're doing keepy ups with the best of them right now mate xxx

— Tom Davison

Peattie was a very important person to me and made my uni experience so far amazing. He was a

Very close friend of mine and put a

Smile on my face every day I saw him. We spent most of our time watching rubbish day time tv and staying

Up till the early hours of the morning chatting about everything and anything as well as watching a few might boosh episodes :). He was an incredible friend and was always there for me. He loved making people laugh even if I was the brunt of his jokes :) (otherwise known to Peattie as the posh indie kid! :). He especially enjoyed making

Me listen to tupac and drake the only artists on hos phone :). He was a brilliant person and will never be forgotten. Peattie you are always in my heart and I am so privileged to have had a friend as fantastic as you. Love always Hannah (your migry boosh pal :)) xx

— Hannah Forrest

RIP, terrible news! you will be missed! <3

— Clare bartley

Words can not describe how I feel right now. You were like the brother I never had, always there for me no matter what. Your friendship meant everything to me and I'll miss your cheeky smile. I can't believe we went so long without seeing eachother but when you came back it was like you never left at all. You've left so many great memories and have touched so many people lives. I'm so happy you were in my life and will be thinking of you every day. I miss you so much Mathew x

— Tahra van Schalkwyk

RIP Matt Peattie our thoughts are with you all

— Liam Notley

He was such a happy guy a friend to all, tragic to loose him. Will be missed by all. RIP <3

— hannah

I can't believe this tragic news :( PT you were everyones favourite person to have around. So funny and such a genuinely lovely guy. I won't forget the early hours of the morning trips to asda after the not so secret, secret field nights out with you! Rest in Peace xxxx

— Sophia Homayoonfar

actually don't believe it! Although I was never in class together being in the year above, we shared the same passion of dinner time football on the bottom fields in school. The familiar shout of "PT or Peattie" brought laughter to everyone! Forever in our thoughts....

— Calum Sayer

Mat, I've had the privilege of knowing you and your family ever since you and Owen met back in Bryn Deri. Every time I saw you you had this huge, fantastic smile and laugh and that is what I will always remember the most. I will miss giving you lifts and waiting outside your house for you to finish getting ready for nights out!! You are a true legend and will be so terribly missed by every single person who had the honour of knowing you xxx

— Elin Stenner-Matthews

Peattie, honestly one of the most amazing people I have ever met. So beautiful on the inside and the out, with a heart of pure gold. I will never forget the day I met him, the last day we spent together and every little detail in between. I will hold on to these precious memories forever; the music, dances (especially the dougie!) and experiences you shared with me and especially the riddles and facts you always had ready to try and catch me out! So many amazing times. Every evening when you would come to the flat, often with a packet of sausages to cook, I would never be sure if you would be coming in a pink onesie or a Ralph Lauren top but I was always sure that you would be wearing a smile. I feel privileged to have been a part of your life, and you will be in my heart forever. Love you always.

— Adele Gnandte

Peattie, you were one of the most genuinely caring and lovable people I have ever met! I don't know how Block 17 and I are going to carry on without you, without your huge smile, your amazing hugs and your amazing personality. I can't bare to think what it is going to be like without you there chilling in your mootiful onesie, with that massive contiguous smile on your face. You were always so happy, and for that you are such an inspiration to me! I will always remember you for your BBQ rice and double happiness, and for the time you tried to convince us that you had cleavage! You will always be on my mind, and in my heart. I'm going to miss you so much, love you always xxxxxxxxx

— Ranya Mulchandani

I really dont know what to say, it hasnt properly sunk in yet. The last time i spoke to you mate was on the phone, we were looking forward to our birthdays and i was trying to persuade you to come to Cardiff to celebrate mine. You were such a happy person and would genuinely light up a room with that recognisable smile that was always on your face, you really were a joy to be around as you had a great sense of humour. My thoughts go out to your family as I cannot begin to imagine how they feel, and your massive group of friends just shows how much of an incredibly nice person you were. You are loved by many, hated by none. You will never be forgotten and sorely missed PT. love you pal xxxxx

— Lloyd Davies

I didn't want to believe it when I heard, rest in peace PT. Such an amazing person inside and out. Gone but never forgotten, my thoughts are with the family. Lots of love x

— Finty

Peattie was an amazing guy with a great sense of humour. He always new how to lift everyone’s emotions up. You simply could not be sad around Peattie.

I remember, back in 2010, Peattie, myself and Gareth went treking for a Mcdonalds/KFC in Barry bare foot for 4 hours. The heat and the pain in our feet from the burning concrete were unbearable. Yet, Peattie managed to make us all laugh by telling jokes and being incredibly optimistic that we would reach our goal even when me and Gareth had long given up and sure enough, we did, it was an incredibly rewarding meal. This was definitely one of the funniest days of my life and i'll never forget it as the first time I got to know Peattie personally. He's been a good friend ever since.

I remember us all sitting at the trainstop after our massive trek and all agreeing what a fun day it had been.

R.I.P my good friend.

— Keir Martin

You'll forever be remembered

rip PT xx

— Imogen

RIP Mat, I feel fortunate to have met you if only on a few occasions. My thoughts and prayers with your family and friends over what must be a terrible time! Life is so fragile! xx

— Gareth Thomas

Life without you is something I've never known before; how can I pick out a single moment when my memory of you is my entire life? As far back as my memory goes you were always there.

Our last conversation- walking back from one of our thrice-weekly (since 2007 at least) trips to McDonalds (can't even begin to get into how much money you owe me) was about our hopes and dreams for the future. And you knew a lot about hope, being a person who had a true gift; your smile and personality turned anxiety and worry into confidence and happiness. You had the talent for picking people back up again that you only see once in a lifetime, and that's exactly the sort of the person and friend you were and always will be to me.

Every single good memory I have you were either there or I was wishing you were. I could not have had a better friend to grow up with and I am so, so proud that I was with you every step of the way... from learning to read together, to wondering (aged 10) if we really were going to get letters of acceptance from Hogwarts, to celebrating our A-level results last summer, no less close almost fifteen years on.

I'll miss you more than words can say; saying goodbye to you is something I never dreamed I would ever have to do. I have lost a brother, you were a true friend, a true inspiration, and words just can't and never will do justice what you meant to me.

— Owen Stenner-Matthews

I can't actually believe it... it's such sad news. You were a great guy PT, it's a shame we didn't keep in touch. You'll be missed by everyone. So much love for you and your family xx

— Soraya Homayoonfar

A true gentleman <3

— Esme

PT, I cannot express how much of a kind and genuinely nice person you are. I literally think you managed to become friends with almost anyone and cannot think of a single person who has ever said a bad word against you. Its funny how your laundry stuff is still at mine from freshers week despite me handing it you MANY times haha, and your antics on dare night were hysterical, we should of all teamed up for that, could of all shared those nando's vouchers! The block 11-17 allegiance was your doing and it was you who brought everyone together. Going to miss you mate, mad how we both chose the same uni to go to, it will not be the same without "PT and the boys" and never will be. Rest in peace mate you will be truly missed by everyone at home and uni. Thank you for being there when times were shit. love you buddy

still pickled at the fact you had over 170 Tupac songs, that's dedication there my friend.

— Ageo Miccoli


I know I was new to Radyr at sixth form, but you always had a huge smile on your face and you were such a sweet guy to talk to.

Will always remember us watching Finding Nemo at like 4 in the morning at Mary's house party! Shared some great memories with you and your amazing friends who all made me feel so welcome.

You will truly never be forgotten.

Lots of love and rest in peace <3

— Emily Ady

Peattie was a great guy and it was an honour to have known him. He will always be remember and never forgotten.

rip PT xx

— Nicholas Thorne

PT, there is not one person I know that has any bad words to say about you! With out doubt you was one of the nicest guys ive met and had the pleasure too know. Eventhough, Im not one of your closest friends ill never forget you for your smiles and loving personality, you was so lovely to everyone! My love goes out to your family, you'll never be forgotten!

Lots of love xxxxx

— Chelsea Thomas

You are the most genuine person, with an absolutely amazing personality, guaranteed to always put a smile on everyone's face.

Always remember how funny it was when we were at Gareth's for his birthday. And neither of us were 18 yet so we had borrowed i.ds...and yours...kinda looked like a terrorist. If looks could kill...

And I remember you practicing that face for about an hour or so, was highly amusing..and a little scary at the same time.

Life is so cruel, and you'll be missed hugely by everyone.

All my love xxxx

— Laura Bird

Being in the year above me, Mat was a familiar face in primary school. Such a shock to hear someone I knew has gone so suddenly. He always seemed to have a smile on his face and something funny to say - RIP.

— Jacob Dickens

Peattie you will be missed by so, so many people. You were the most amazing, kind hearted person. I don’t even know where to begin; I have so many fond memories of you through out school. I wish I knew you better, but I’m so grateful to have known you at all. You really were one in a million, and you’ll forever be in my heart. My thoughts are with your family and closest friends at this terrible time. Rest in Peace. xxxx

— Chloe Evans

I am going to miss you so much Peattie, Birmingham is never going to be the same. I will miss not having you knock on my door daily to ask what we should cook together (the classic bbq sauce rice and we were actually improving with our amazing toad and the hall!)and also always checking what I’m up too. Always with a smile on your face, wearing the classic onsie or redland hoodie. I loved your happy and always relaxed attitude towards life, I don’t think once I’d met you at uni I ever spent a day without talking to you. I loved the hugs you gave me and am so thankful that the last time I saw you you gave me a hug because i wasn’t feeling very well, always so kind and lovely. A truly beautiful person. My fondest memories are playing cards at the table, cooking together, you laughing at my awful singing and just spending time together in the block! I love you so much and always will, love to all your family. I will never forget you xxxxxxx

— Sophie Surman

I did not have the privilege of meeting Mathew but my son is at Birmingham Uni and although not a close friend had met him a few times through mutual friends.

As a mother I can not begin to imagine the hole that this tragic loss has left.

Our thoughts as a family are with you and your family and the many friends that Mathew had.

You can be very proud of the son who obviously brought so much love and happiness to all that he knew.

Sue Jones

— Sue Jones

Unbelievale guy. Pt, you will be sorely missed. You were truly a great guy.

— Ben Barnard

Heard about this terrible news today, and couldn't actually believe it. I only really new Mathew from being in Primary School with him and he was always so lovely. Its horrible that this has happened to him, and at such a young age. But as I can see from the messages being put on this page Mat, you were liked and loved by everyone who knew you. My thoughts are with your family and all your many of friends at this very sad time. Rest in Peace. xxx

— Olivia Beere

For two years I spent nearly all day every day with you. Everything I do now makes me remember things we did and places we went. I wish we could do all the things we had planned for the next few weeks and years. We had so much planned for this month, you were meant to be staying round mine on Tuesday night. The trips to the most beautiful place on earth and practicing for when we go on britains got talent. You used to love all the songs I'd play on my iPod in the car and then tell everyone else you hated them. I can count on my fingers the amount of people I care about as much as you. I just wish we had more time x

— Cameron MacDonald

Always a familiar face at uni, and never short of a smile.

Though I had only met you a few times, I could tell you were definitely one of the good guys. :)

My prayers are with your family and friends (and everyone else you more than likely brought a smile to along the way).

Rest in Peace xx

— Luke

You never failed to put a smile on my face. You made everybody's day with your jokes!

I remember in 2010 at Mary's house when we were determined to get through the dog flap... don't think we had enough alcohol in us haha!

rip PT - you'll be shining up in the sky x

— Rachel Dutton

Yesterday was by far the most difficult and worst day of my life, I found out that I lost my best friend, you’re the only person in my world I’ve never fallen out with or had a bad word to say about and were well and truly happy and excited every time I saw you or spoke to you. I don’t know what to do with myself when I think you’re not going to be there with me as I go through life, but I will always have faith and believe that you are looking over me and guiding me every step of the way. I know that you are up there, already best mates with Tupac and Biggie I bet they love you. It’s just unreal the impact you have made on my life and so many others. I have so many great memories and moments with you and I’m so grateful I got the chance to know you and be a part of the amazing life you had. There are no words to describe what you meant to me, all I know is no one will ever fill the space you have in my heart and I will never forget you and will always miss you.

I hope your family get the strength to carry on, it must help your parents knowing what an amazing and loved son they had and what a good job they did raising you. I know you did them proud every second of every day.

I seriously can’t believe you’re gone; I will never be the same without you. I know your still living your life, after death with that amazing smile your wear so well. I will see you again I’m sure of it, until that day I’m always going to have a piece of me missing.

R.I.P. PT I love you so much and will always miss you and think about you. Thank you so much for the memories and you will always be my best buddy <3 <3 <3

— John Mouncher

R.I.P, you and rhod look after eachother up there! Thoughts are with your family, lots of love xx

— Alex Jones

I remember the time when me and Ashley stayed over yours, we were watching a film and you fell asleep on my shoulder! You then started to dribble... eww. Not going to lie, that was vile! Ash was laughing and you woke up and wiped your dribble off the side of your face :') And denied that it even happened. God Bless you Pt.

I am still in denial, I still cannot believe that I will never see you again. I love you so much and I always will. Sleep tight <3

— Mary-Anne Gorey

Rip mate, can't believe it, few times we met you had a heart of gold. The big man up there will look after you now dude, sleep tight and we'll see each other soon xx

— osian long

what a sudden shock,

they all say they only take the best people,

and what a person you were,

rest in peace mate.

god bless.

— Kieran Bond

i met PT on a few occasions at house parties with hancock and the boys he always made a joke and laugh about things he is such a friendly and good guy, my thoughts are with your friends and family, R.I.P PT <3

— Paige

I havn't known you for long but the times I was in your company was always a priviledge. Whenever I saw you there would always be a big grin on your face, no doubt brightening up many people's days. RIP xxx

— Olivia

I don't know what to say ... there is so much !. You were a great guy and never had a bad word to say about anyone. I will miss your smile and how high you wore your boxers, also your mumbling rap to Tupac and your black trainers that were fit for every occasion according to you . I will always remember how sweet you were, even dressing up for my 18th when we all know how much you hate fancy-dress ( i mean wearing your clothes back to front does not count !). I am just so appreciative that i saw you last week, but saddened that i will never hear your laugh or the funny way you would say certain sentences.

I know for a fact that gatherings just won't be the same without you.

I will never forget you and will always miss you xxxxxx

— Anna Roll

PT, I’m still in shock this has happened and that I am having to write this. You were one of the most genuine, loving and happy people I have ever met. I feel privileged that I have had such a lovely person as my friend for these past 8 months. I literally can’t see how block 17 are going to cope without you. All I know is that us girls are definitely going to have less ironing to do before a night out. I’m going to miss seeing your infectious smile every-day so much, it always brightened up my day. I hope you’re having a great time up there chilling in your mootiful onesie, eating as much big-bite, rooster house and chicken as possible.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family. You’ll always be in my heart. Never forgotten. Lots of love always xxxx

P.S. I’m going to propose a week of eating only BBQ rice in your honour xxx

— Lauren Terheege

We may have gone our separate ways as time went on, but I'll never forget the childhood we spent together with Tom and Owen. The sleepover marathons, the time spent trying in vain to beat you at basketball, or any sport really. And of course, let's not forget waiting for ages outside your house on the way to school because you'd never get out of bed until we rang the doorbell, no matter how many times we complained.

I won't forget you, man. Rest in peace.

— Will Fox

PT, I’m still in shock this has happened and that I am having to write this. You were one of the most genuine, loving and happy people I have ever met. I feel privileged that I have had such a lovely person as my friend for these past 8 months. I literally can’t see how block 17 are going to cope without you. All I know is that us girls are definitely going to have less ironing to do before a night out. I’m going to miss seeing your infectious smile every-day so much, it always brightened up my day. I hope you’re having a great time up there chilling in your mootiful onesie, eating as much big-bite, rooster house and chicken as possible.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family. You’ll always be in my heart. Never forgotten. Lots of love always xxxx

P.S. I’m going to propose a week of eating only BBQ rice in your honour xxx

— Lauren Terheege

Mate, no idea what to say... Still can't believe this has actually happened. You were one of the most genuine people I have ever met man. Unbelievably funny and always smiling. I'll miss you dude. Sleep tight x

— James Taylor

I still cant and dont want to believe it PT!

From the first time I met you, and I thought wow this guy does not stop talking! and you thought I was a quiet weird guy ;), I knew we would be lifelong friends, kitty+peattie! I'm really gonna miss you bro, who am I gonna "borrow ;)" Hilfiger clothes off, watch Southpark with, chill with to Nujabes, or chat with into the early hours of the day! You were a genuinely caring, happy and beautiful person. You knew had to make me laugh, and how to wined me up, thats why I loved you. I remember this one time we were out, and talking to these random people in the smoking are as we do, and this one girl said to us: I would love to take you both home... but sadly I have a boyfriend, while she was saying this I said: lets go (can I add drunkenly). PT of course wouldn't let this embarrassing moment go, and would remind almost very day that jewel was waiting for us in block 5! or this other time our whole block was watching the brits, and you made me sing along with you to every song, you can imagine what we sounded like, with his flat voice and my swiss accent, which by the way you would always also take the piss out of ;). This is what I appreciated in you, you knew had to keep me on my feet, and how not to take life too seriously. you were always there when I needed you, and gave me your shoulder to lean on. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there for me, and feel so privileged to know such an a generous and amazing person.

Your massive smile, grin, pout and stare was infectious, you were the heart of every conversation, of the block, and of me. My condolences and thoughts go out to your family and friends. I will cherish every second and moment I spent with you, they were the best of my life.

Thank you


love always Kitti xx (here is your extra kiss mate)

— Christopher (Kitty) Bullen

Being an honorary member of the Marshall-Peattie family, I had the immense pleasure of spending some time with Mathew over the past three years. We may not have met often but the times we did made an impact on me.

I will remember a quiet, sweet, happy boy (we met when he was 16) who was, from all his cousin Stephen has told me since, blossoming into a truly wonderful young man.

I will be forever grateful that I got to spend time in his company (I can't get his big happy smile out of my head) but saddened that I didn't get the chance to know him better.

He was a special flash of light that will never be forgotten.

All my love to the Peattie family

- Blayr

— Blayr Hogg

In the years I was with you at school, it is the memories of people like you that have been etched in my mind. I'm going to miss you buddy. I'll never forget you, in my memories your smile will always remain!


— Pritesh Varsani

Without doubt the happiest and nicest person I've ever met. Never saw you without a smile on your face. Always joked around with you and had a laugh. You were a good mate. I'm sure you will continue to make many people smile for years to come. Rest in peace brother <3

— Stephen Jenkins

PT was as charasmatic and friendly as mates come, and he was one of the best. He was the life of any party and always up for a laugh.

I am proud to say that I grew up having him as a good friend for over 11 years. R.I.P. PT - one of my oldest friends.

— Alex Payne

Although I didn't know you as you were a few years below me in high school, it is obvious what a special person you were just by the lovely messages and funny stories written about you...

Would like to send my deepest condolences to the family and friends

Rest in Peace xxxx

— Elena

It still hasn't sunk in what happened! Such a brilliant guy who always made people smile! Really going to miss you buddy! Rest in peace xxxx

— Huw Jenkins

Wow, i don't know where to start I'm still in shock, R.I.P old friend i remember back in the good old days when we all use to hang out together me , you, alex, owen, will and tom such gd memories that i will never forget you were a big part of my childhood and i will never forget you old friend rest in peace and god be with you x

— Sam Harland

RIP PT! Was only the other day I saw you having a few pints down the nant my friend, true lad, will be missed massively! Rest in peace mate x

— Andrew Griffiths


I feel so greatful that I had you in my life and I can't believe that your not going to be around anymore. I am so sorry that I've been so rubbish at keeping in touch with you since you've been at uni, I regret not seeing you last week so much right now.

I have been so lucky to have shared so many memories with you. Our cover of Alicia Keys "noone" on the didgeridoo which we never did enter britains got talent for. your were my "favorite talking buddy", we had so many heart to hearts you were so easy to talk to.

I'll miss all the times you say "if you drive me to mcdo, il buy you a cheeseburger" and I was never been able to say no to that cheeky smile.

PT i am going to miss you so much. You literally had everyone as your friend. I promise that i wont let a day go by without thinking about you, especially when i eat chicken!

Rest in peace PT. In my heart forever.

— Hannah Ellis

Literally speechless...

I don't know what to with myself, stuck in a weird daze :( I miss you so much already PT :(

The boys are currently watching Serbian Film, bet your glad you missed that one. Dont worry I would've driven us to Mcdo to avoid it....

You were such an amazing friend to have PT, you made me laugh so much and you were always there with open arms and a massive smile. Ah i have so many memories of you. The way you used to turn up to predrinks with a whole bottle of vodka to yourself. I loved making fun of your walk and the way your trousers fell down...dont think you found it as funny. The way you always sed "fo shoooo", i have that repeating in my head. When i came over your house to play fifa, and then went into your room and laughed over what i found... we will keep that one to ourselves ;) The way you let me wear your grey and navy hoodie all the time, it was so cwtchy i never wanted to give it back to you.

My thoughts are with your family as well. We were telling them some of your naughty stories today.....I joke, nothing but nice ones.

But in all seriousness, You have always been there pt and im literally going to miss you so badly. I wish i could have one last conversation or one last hug, like everyone im sure. You will always be in my thoughts, you were an amazing friend, i will truly miss you, love you pt <3

— Emily Donnan

So mate, I guess this is it. I have so much I want to say. I'll keep most of it between you and me but there's just a few memories I want to share.

I remember the night Mary had one of her heralded house parties and you persuaded me to stay over yours. I don't know what went through our slightly intoxicated minds at 3am that told us to go and sit in the shelters in M-Town park but we did, cans in hand. We talked a lot of shit that night but I remember so strongly the conversation we had about our future. You and I spoke for hours about what we wanted to do with our lives, who we wanted to end up with, where we wanted to see out our days. The NBA will seriously miss your talent man.. It seriously breaks my heart that everything you told me that night will never be realised because you deserved to realise your hopes and ambitions PT, you were always the first to encourage me and lift me up when I needed it most. After that chat we went back to yours and watched One Tree Hill together in the den. Not before you didn't try to persuade me to watch American History X naturally... (I promise I'll watch it one day).

My other memory is that pier in West Wales "Gay" Newquay. Every night we sat out there mate, sometimes with company but often just you and me. I rather ambitiously thought it would be all sunshine so brought only one pair of trousers and no hoodies whatsoever. So wearing your big Ralphy hoodie we'd stroll down to the Pier and sit on the very edge, talking for a good couple of hours in the early morning. You shared so much with me mate, I honestly feel like that's the moment all boundaries were dropped and we told each other everything. Bro chats come with a confidentiality clause so don't worry I won't be sharing, but man am I going to miss them. The amount of times I relied on you for a bro chat... but there weren't many better than you for a lift.

I haven't really faced up to this all yet mate, to be honest this is the first time I've really talked about it and even then it's only to my computer. I don't want to face up to it and fully comprehend the fact that you're not around anymore. You were my best friend, right in my innermost circle. I could trust you with everything. I'm going to miss you so much, you brought so much happiness to my life with your smile and your infectious happiness. You touched my life in such a way that I won't be able to do half the normal things I would do in Cardiff without thinking of you. I have memories of you attributed to everything, from Fifa to McDonalds items, to Crazy:Hotness graphs on napkins, to (almost) skinny dipping in Barry Island, to drunkenly hugging it out and telling each other we loved each other. You were a truly special mate and I promise you I won't forget you because you always did love the attention.

This has been the hardest message I've ever had to write. I love you Mathew Peattie, like the brother (from another mother) that you always were to me. Keep an eye on me will you? I'm going to need your guidance.

Rest in peace, brother.

— Gareth Downs

I have been thinking all night about what I can say on here and I really cant put into words how much of a great friend you were to me. I could write so many stories and memories I have with you because you were such a great person to be around. Yesterday when i heard what had happened i was totally shocked. I couldnt believe it, it didnt really sink in and i still dont think it has.

I will never forget the way we spent a whole day of you teaching me to say the word hosPiTal. It should of been easy because it had your name in but it took forever. Never forget how i had to draw your eyebrow on with my eyeliner (you never gave that back!). Always trying to make me listen to some songs on your phone and will never forget you singing it was all a dream by BIG. I remember when i texted you when you were at 'retail camp' and you went mad at me haha.

I could sit here for hours writing stories - the memories of you will never fade PT. I would do anything just to have one more conversation, one more piece of cheese n toast! Im sure everybody wishes that, you can see by all the lovely comments how much of a lovely amazing guy you were and you will be missed so much.

I really wish i could write pages and pages of stories about you PT, I am so happy that I had you in my life and im so glad you were such an amazing best friend :) I am going to miss you so much. <3 xxxxxxxxxxxx

— Emma James

rip pt <3

honoured to have met you, if only on a few occasions.... there cannot be a bad word against you, a true heart of gold and a friend to all.

my thoughts are with your family.

you will be missed by all <3 xxx

— Alex Braine

The news is unbearable. We weren't the closest of friends but when we did speak you were so lovely. I cant believe I only saw you in McDonalds on Friday... You seemed so happy and always had a beautiful smile. Thoughts go out to your closest friends and family. Rest in peace PT xx

— Hollie Cole

RIP lovely i'll always remember your beautiful smile. My thoughts are with your family and friends xxxxx

— francesca duddridge

PT, I can never think of a time when you haven't had the biggest smile on your face. I haven't seen you since december now but have so many memories to remember you by. I'll never forget the amount of times you asked me what my old school was like and what it was called, you never remembered I'd been in Radyr all along! You will be missed by so many people, you were without a doubt the happiness most likeable guy I knew, rest in peace PT xxxx

— Maddie Jordan

A true gentleman, that is loved by so many and will be truly missed. My thoughts are with his closest friends and family at this sad time xx

— Esme

From the first day of university, the very first time I met you, it was clear that you were going to be a face to remember. You exuded happiness and that is what I shall always remember you for. As I try and relive every memory possible there is not one where you do not have a smile on your face, and that smile is a portrayal of the man you were and should still be.

I don't remember my first encounter with everyone I know from university but I definitely remember ours as your face lit above everyone else's. You weren't even sure of how to address yourself and you instantly put a smile on my face. On night's out I would always end up with you it seemed, stood outside or walking to big bite whilst sharing our feelings - you are so easy to speak to and get along with.

I'll never forget hearing you outside my bedroom window in the early hours of the morning, and now I regret that instead of trying to get back to sleep I didn't come out and join you and make up for every minute I had to spend with you. It is a tragic loss and I am sorry that of all people this has happened to you, sorry for your family and everyone else that loved and cared for you.

You'll never be forgotten, x

— Jon Millman

I have so many fond memories of you from when we were in Bryn Deri. Playing Age of Mythology on the school field, mining for gold. And the thousand of hours playing runescape whilst on the phone to one an other trying to co-ordinate luring Noobs into the Wildy with Beefman2 and Bam34520 and stealing all of their weapons and armour.

More recently I remember both failing AS level history together and never understanding anything Miss Surtees said, so we would just copy off Owen and Ryan.

I havent seen you since when my parents were away for 2 weeks in summer, but we kept in contact over facebook (at 4am when you'd come back from town and i'd just be starting work) and I was looking forward to seeing you when i got home.

I will see you for the last time on April 16th

You will be sorely missed, Mat. x

— Tom Heyman

I didn't know you that well mate but I remember the few times we played football together. You always seemed bubbly and you were very easy to get on with. You were one of the good guys who was always laughing and smiling. Such tragic news, puts everything into perspective. My thoughts go to your family at this extremely sad time. Rest in peace PT, keep smiling up there x

— Tom Cater

I knew you from about 4 or 5 years old right up until the end of school and you've always been the most gentle, genuine and happy person to be around. Since going to uni I haven't seen you much but it's hard to forget you Peattie and the way your smile and personality could light up every room! You will be missed so much but never forgotten, you touched the heart of everyone that knew you. Rest in peace xxx

— Stephie Mullen-Jones

you where a truly amazing person PT and i don't know anyone that ever had a bad word to say about you, two of my fondest memories with you would have to firstly be the online rap battle that we began in year 12, a rap battle that would have probably got both of us record deals had any major labels taken notice, also the empty night in revs where me you and mick tizzle decided that as it was so lame we might aswell down every drink that was bought..which then ended in a game that we called human bowling..you will be truly missed and never forgotten...a class act and top bloke xx

— Rob Thomas

Some of my happiest and fondest memories were when all of our families would get together, and all us boys would rush off to play the latest computer games and hang out :) I will always miss those carefree times.

It doesn't feel real that this has happened. And It's difficult to even put into words how unfair this delicate and precious life can be.

I know that everyone will miss you so so much, and my deepest thoughts are with you Uncle Ken, Auntie Sue, and Alex.

Rest in peace little cuz. Gone too soon but forever remembered, as a truly wonderful person x

— James Marshall

Don't think any of this has sunk in yet, PT every time I think of you I only think of the happy memories, of that grin you had on your face, of how you made everyone smile and laugh all the time. Some of the funniest moments in school you've been involved in, like that time in Year 11 IT when you pretty much pulled your trousers down to show us how high your boxers were, had me Adam and Ash all in stitches, or how you used to always tease me about buying the same watch as Adam and having hoodies with messages that you could never understand. You always focused on the positive and happy elements in everything and everyone mate, you didn't have a bad bone in your body at all. Since you've gone off to uni I haven't really seen you mate - when Cam told me you couldn't make the pub quiz last Tuesday I was pretty gutted because it would have been quality to catch up with you. It kills me to realise that was the last opportunity I would have ever had for me to see that smile of yours and just hang out. I'm totally gutted this has happened, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all love you so much and we're going to miss you forever. Rest In Peace man, love you xxxxxxxxxx

— Ben Montgomery

Was in complete shock when told of the news, couldn't believe it. Genuinely one of the nicest people i have ever met, i cant think of a time when i saw you without a smile on your face, always so happy! It goes to show how genuine and happy you were with all the comments left on here! Alot of memories most through football with Pentyrch which we had many of! You will be sadly missed mate! Rest In Peace pal! x

— Alex Raven

PT - what a guy. Brilliant for banter all the way since primary school, always making people smile. Absolute tragedy, rest in peace PT xx

— Nick Richards

Mat although I didn't know you as a good friend, you were my brother's best friend for years in primary & secondary school so I saw you all throughout my childhood. I keep thinking of you & all the Bryn Deri bunch & how much fun you all had together. It still seems unreal that this has happened & from looking at all the other comments, it couldn't have happened to a more loved person. I know my brother is devastated, as is everyone. You touched a lot of lives & you'll always be remembered. Our thoughts are with your family & friends, hope you're up there having a whale of a time xxxx

— Vicki Davison

PT you are the biggest legend I have ever met, so many good memories to choose from. I remember at Harrys house when we ran out of booze and started drinking his mums Gin resulting in a wobbly mission up Heol Isaf at 5 in the morning. And countless late nights in Micks garage playing Rugby 08 on the ps2 after town. Still can't believe it, you'll truly be missed. Rest in peace buddy xxx

— James Hannington

I met PT on my first couple of days at Uni and saw him 4 or 5 times after that. He always smiled, always stopped to asked how i was doing when i saw him and just seemed like a genuinely great guy, i only wish i had got to know him even better as i am sure he was considered a great friend or more by many others for good reason. My best wishes to the family, my thoughts are with you. RIP mate. xxx

— Jack Armstrong

So sad and shocked when I heard the news, my thoughts and condolences go out to your family and friends at this tragic loss. I knew you through primary where you were always happy and amazing at maths! Then through comp where you were such a friendly and genuine person. Rest in peace Mat, its obvious from all these messages just how much you are loved and how deeply you will be missed xxx

— Lucy Twamley

We are still in so much shock, and cannot actually believe you have gone. I will always remember looking after you when you were off school when you were about 9-10. We snuggled up on the sofa watching trashy tv and you saying girls are boring but I like you because your my cousin!

You will always be my baby cousin and the most gorgeous baby I have ever seen!

Our family won't be the same without you

Lots of love Janine xxxxx

— Janine Graham

Shocked at this devostating news! i cant believe it. whenever i saw PT he always had a smile on his face that would make you and everyboday else want to smile! such a lovley and kind person. My thoughts are with your family and your closest friends at this tragic time. X

— Holly James

I don't care if i've already written a comment. I can't keep myself from refreshing this page constantly looking at what people are saying. You were loved by so many people and i cannot believe you have gone. You have always cheered me up when i'm down and i wish you could do that now. I'm gutted i didn't get to come round on Sunday to see you. Its been killing me thinking i should have come on the Saturday like you said i should have. Seems like you were right after all. Im so so empty thinking that you're not a txt or phone call away anymore. Life is so cruel and i am so devastated about losing you. I can't even begin to think what your family is going through. Tuesday was quite possibly the worst day of my life hearing that you had left me. I would love to say i want to speak to you one last time but i don't, i don't want it to even be the last time, i want you back for good. I miss you so so much PT, i'll have known you for nearly 8 years now and you've always been such a big part of my life. The hours spent in the den together with you beating me on fifa. I still remember the day you beat Dave 10 - 0 and he had to write a letter to your mum. We all miss you so so much. There is a massive whole in our group that you should be filling. I still can't get over it. You were an amazing human being and i hope you finally get to chill with tupac up there haha. Its fair to say that there is not one day left of my life where you won't be on my mind! I love you so much man xxxxxxxxxxx

— Ashley Blair

I'm Chris Matt's friend and flatmate. Mat was such a lovely guy and a person to live with in the time he spent in our flat.

There were too many memories, but here are the ones that stood out for me:

5-Smashing him in on Fifa in freshers week at the San Siro in Freshers week.

4-The mess he left behind in our flat. He was such a legend that he had his own exclusive washroom in the flat that no one else used except for hiim

3-When I said he looked like a thunderbird (the look on his face)

2-Mat out the kindness of his heart gave me a fab and fresh ticket and 2 bottles of frosty jack so that I could celebrate his 19th birthday with everyone

1-His smile/pink onesie

Mat was the most laid back person ever and was such a great lad to be around. I wish I could of spent more time with him and made more memories. The ones we made will never be forgotten. I am still getting to terms with how much of a blow its going to be losing you from the block and our flat. Things will never be the same. Everytime I heard a knock at the door people were always looking for you. Whether it was to go and cook or just to go and chill. It was because you were such an amazing person to be around. Im going to miss our late night chats and having another lad around the flat. My thoughts go out to all of Peattie's friends and family. You will be missed dearly.

Christopher Quinn x

— Christopher Quinn

Was only privileged enough to know Peattie for a matter of months, but he'll be greatly missed by myself and many others. Such a decent guy, nobody ever had a bad word to say about him.

Will miss seeing your bright white smile at Fab on a Saturday night! Such a shame you're gone, Tennis Courts just won't be as smiley without you.

Rest In Paradise, Peattie x x x

— Rosie Sharp

Where do I start...

This isn't going to be my only post on here so I won't ramble on forever telling every story....yet.

You were quite simply the glue that kept our friendship group together. You'd always insist, no matter how bad things got for your friends, that they shouldn't worry: no reasons were ever given as to why we shouldn't, but your support was felt nonetheless!

You were always smiling, never unhappy (providing stubborn Mat got his way!), and always up for doing something, even if it was listening to rappers that we'd never heard, drinking Ribena (or water if you felt lazy) and playing Fifa until the early hours.

We were always laughing whenever we all met up: you 'd always burst into hysterics whenever I made a poor joke or displayed some horrendous Facebook etiquette, laughing at me for such pitiful attempts at humour. I remember when I posted an awful status about somebody I quite liked at the time, claiming it was just lyrics to a metal song- you weren't fooled, laughing that breathless, hysterical laugh at how uncool I was.

There are plenty of memories and stories to come, but I have to pack for skiing now! We'll remember you with a bottle of brand-less Gin on top of the Alps and drink to your amazing, whirlwind of a life.

Give my love to Tupac and Biggie, and let me know if the Illuminati really did have them killed, and I will see you soon.

As Owen said in his earlier message, I have truly lost a brother and will always miss you.

Yours beige friend,


— Ryan Jenkins

I just don’t know where to begin, I love you so much and will miss and think of you every day. I will miss our Fun Friday adventures, we’ve had so many amazing ones, like when we went on the nun hunt and followed the nuns around Roath park because we found them so cute. When Eluned and I came over and found your dressing up box and we all dressed up in your crazy costumes, when we chilled with the grannies in bingo and on the way home blasted out Busted and sang along so loud. We loved it ;), and when we visted you in in Birmingham and cwtched in your bed watching the Lion King, I still can’t believe you had no pots and pans, just bowls and spoons! I wish I had the opportunity to have many more wonderful days, but i am so happy I had the chance to share such amazing times with you and I will treasure the memories forever. I have turned my weird looking lego man you gave me for my 18th into a necklace, so I will have something to always remember you by and it will be a constant reminder how you always called me quirky and weird :) . Fun Friday Family forever! Love you so so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

— Hannah Bainbridge

PT i honestly dont know what to say, im so shocked by this and it couldn't have happened to a nicer, happy or more full of life guy then you! Even though i only got to know you for 8 months you are one the kindest, genuine guys i know, and you made Birmingham a much brighter place to live! I still remember waking up after freshers ball seeing you sleeping on our sofa in ur tux after being locked out, pretty sure you were still smiling though!

Genuinely going to miss you loads mate, but you'll forever live on in block 11 RIP Peattie and the Boys xxx

— Sam Evans

Mathew - we got to know him as German friends of his parents, when he was still sitting in a pram. We met several times in Cardiff and Germany over the years and recall his charming smile, his liveliness and his joy in playing soccer with our boys in the garden. We are all shocked and don't know what to write to console Sue, Ken and Alex....

— Marita, Martin, Robert, Hella, Thomas (Hemsbach)

I had the pleasure of coaching Matt for pentyrch youth, may I say what lovely respectful young man he was and always smiling RIP PT

— shaun simmons

I always called PT, 'The Darkness'. Largely due to the complexion of his skin but also because he called me, 'Cracker'. Many days would be spent in what I considered to be a second home: PT's den. For hours on end we would play FIFA, often resulting in me leaving his house at ridiculous hours and being guided home by the sun. For me, that is what I will miss most about PT. Casually strolling over to his home, wandering up the stairs to his den and re-emerging at some point the next day having not left the same armchair for more than twenty seconds. I will always fondly remember our conversation that took place within that room. They ranged from who was better at FIFA to how hot Beyonce is on a scale of 1-10.

The last time I was in that room we talked about where we would send our children in the future. He decided that even if his children had a scholarship to Eton that he would not send them there and that was that. There was no persuading him otherwise. He had made his mind up. That is the PT I will remember. The stubborn, resolute but tender hearted individual that made his mark upon everyone that ever met him. For that I am glad. I am glad to have met such a unique soul. The most likeable person I have ever met. I knew of no person who didn't like him.

I will always remember his smile that lit up a room. The way he walked with his chest puffed out and his truly awful sense of fashion.

His influence on me and many others resonates so clearly at this time. That is the mark of a truly great human being. I will never forget you brother.

— Glen

As his Head of Year I always tried to look out for Matthew. He had his problems but overcame them with tenacity. I would like to send my condolences to his family who are such aright knit loving family. You must be devastated. my heart goes out to you.

— Ceri Wilson

I know that you are such a close family, and I can only hope that these lovely messages and memories of Matthew are of some comfort.

You are all in my thoughts.

Love, Cerys x

— Cerys Ponting

What more can I say than that Peattie was one of the most genuine, down to earth people I have ever had the privilege of meeting, who was truly loving life. Although I only got to know you over a few months, I shared some great times with you which definitely won’t be forgotten. From you trying to convert me to liking old school hip-hop, and asking if I could learn to play NWA on guitar; to the banter we had before a big night when you would rock up to our flat in your onesie with a bottle of rum, and spontaneous deep and meaningful conversations in the smoking shelter during a night out.

You were a really great guy to be around in Block 17, the place won’t be the same without you; I’ll remember you as someone who was happy to take time to talk to anyone, and having the ability to make people smile wherever you went. I can’t imagine anybody having a bad word to say about you to be honest, which makes it all the more tragic that you’ve been taken from us so early. I can only imagine what your family and friends who have known you longest are going through and my thoughts are with them. Gonna miss you mate, RIP x

— Jamie Batham

PT, you will be missed so so much. Your everlasting smile and genuineness makes this such a tragedy, but I thank you for the memories you've left me and everyone else with and for being such a wonderful friend and happy presence even if it has only been for a short time in my life.

I always smile thinking of the first time I met you when we all moved in, we asked your name and you didn't even know what to say! I am going to miss having you in our kitchen all the time, asking what extravagant meals I am making while I laugh at your poor cooking skills (atrocious chopping!) and love for BBQ rice, and sitting at our table doing your maths homework with Karan! I will miss you at pre-drinks trying to change my cheesy song choices to your "train playlist" of much cooler songs. One of my favourites of our nights out was the last minute trip to Vodbull - we decided at like 11.20 to get tickets and leave with 10 minutes to get ready from our pyjamas! "Only a fresher once!" and we definitely lived by that :) I'm glad our efforts to get a block 11 and 17 alliance worked! You helped spread the block 17 love and everyone that came and met you remembers your smile :) I'll never forget my last night at uni with you. We stayed up till sunrise doing our usual block 17 post lash (you boys were throwing those little tennis balls into a cup and they got EVERYWHERE!), then I went to bed and you came to my room a few hours later only to find me sat on my bed feeling sick and tried to give me advice on feeling better :) Oh and how can I forget...thank you for allowing your shoes to become permanent door stops on the bottom floor!

Our block is such a family and you are such a massive part of it, our happy PT is irreplaceable and block 17 will never be complete without you. I will never ever forget your "mootiful" smile and even though losing you has caused a devastating loss for us all, I am so grateful that I had the pleasure of having you as my friend these last 8 months. Love you so much always PT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

— Lydia Brian

I am sitting here wondering how to put my feelings into words for one of the nicest guy I’ve ever met. You were funny, nice and always optimistic and of course that smile, that smile that just lit up the room. I remember once when you me and Karan were working on a math’s assessment sheet early in the morning, I walked into the Karan’s kitchen all down and depressed and you were sitting there, you turned around, looked at me and smiled, boy did that make me feel better. I will never forget the time I shared with you whether it was doing math’s together, chilling and talking together or you jumping on my back that night when I gave you a piggyback through the streets. I know you have moved on and you are in a better place right now but you and your memories will live forever in not only my mind but everyone's mind too.Thank you for being a part of my life.

RIP PT Thank you and love you bro xxx

— Pratik Patel

I am sitting here wondering how to put my feelings into words for one of the nicest guy I’ve ever met. You were funny, nice and always optimistic and of course that smile, that smile that just lit up the room. I remember once when you me and Karan were working on a math’s assessment sheet early in the morning, I walked into the Karan’s kitchen all down and depressed and you were sitting there, you turned around, looked at me and smiled, boy did that make me feel better. I will never forget the time I shared with you whether it was doing math’s together, chilling and talking together or you jumping on my back that night when I gave you a piggyback through the streets. I know you have moved on and you are in a better place right now but you and your memories will live forever in not only my mind but everyone's mid too.Thank you for coming into my life.

RIP PT Thank you and love you bro xxx

— Pratik Patel

I've known PT for a while, and I feel privileged to call him a friend. I remember once having to walk my friend home from a party, and even though it was a really long walk away from where we were, PT jumped up and just came along. Because that's the type of guy he was. He would always help you out if you needed it, regardless.

You were a great friend and will be sorely missed buddy. RIP.

— Jake Lang

I did not know you for long Peattie, but your absence will be felt greatly. I cannot stop remembering all the small memories I ave of you now ever since I heard the tragic news and it saddens me to know that I will never see you again. I can only wish and pray that you will be in a better place now. One thing is for sure, I will not forget how innocent and nice of a person you were. I know that many people will miss you everyday but your happy smile will live on in their hearts forever.

I'll pray that you rest in peace Peattie. And I hope you know that even if it was for a short while, I'm glad to have met you friend.

— Zishaan Ajaz

PT, you will be sorely missed. I know it's been said a thousand times but i'll say it again, your smile just made everything in the world better and i'll never forget your amazing laugh. You made the long walk back from lectures so much shorter (on the odd occasion we both bothered to get out of bed haha) Whether it was the stupid idea to set up a brooding society, or just how little Karan functions in the world, our conversations always made my day.

RIP Peattie, I'll remember you for the rest of my life.

— Joe Whitehead

So sad to hear about Mathew’s passing, he will be greatly missed by everyone. We were in school together since Bryn Deri until Year 12. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. I believe Mathew will forever be smiling because there are no tears in heaven.

— Melissa Poulsen - Houston, TX

Hey man, I know we only knew each other for 6 months, but I felt that we were really good mates, don't have a bad memory or bad thing to say about you. You'll be truly missed mate, Maths won't be the same without you Peattie, we will never get a chance to play pub golf, but by all accounts you were not very good anway :P

Rest in peace mate xx

— Pete Godolphin

I don't even know where to start, PT you we're one of the most lovely, happy, funny people I have ever known and I'm lucky to have had you in my life.

Everything about you made me smile, your big cheesey grin, the way you walked with your feet pointed out and how you always had your hands on your chest but never seemed to realise and the way you'd say 'hey laaaaanny' in a funny little voice. We always had a laugh in economics, well we did when we actually turned up rather than hiding in the Cafe waiting for Mr Adams to make us go to his lesson. He was always on our case about not handing in essays as we managed to avoid something like 12?! We put the pro in procrastination. Then, when he said he'd be putting it in our reports it became a race to hand them all in. No wonder Mr Adams asked me how I passed, you on the other hand were so bright!

You were always there to have a giggle with but you were also there just to talk, you were a wonderful friend. You were the only person who could understand how I could spend money so quickly! I can't believe that I haven't seen you since your been in Uni, I regret not being able to meet up with everyone. Life is too short and I should have.

I can't understand why you've been taken from us, it keeps hitting me in waves. I still don't think it's fully sunk in. You touched so many lives and left wonderful memories with us all, the memories I have of you I'm going to treasure for life. I am going to miss you greatly, my heart goes out to your family I can't imagine how hard this must be for them. I'm going to listen to Tupac now, my own little tribute. Rest In Peace Peattie, you'll never be forgotten xxxx

— Lanny James

PT you were a lovely lad and a great friend I will miss you greatly R.I.P

— Alex Hurges "Hoosay"

Peace and love to the happiest guy in Birmingham! I really enjoyed my short time with you on my weekend visit!!

I can't imagine the loss your family and close friends must be feeling. I send my deepest condolences to you all!

To a special guy!! You will live on in the memories of everyone you met. X

— Matthew Hutton

I have already left a message on here, but thinking about it has reminded of a couple of funny memories I shared with Pt.

I remember one time at one of Mary's houseparties, where you were working your Pt magic with a certain girl, who I'm not going to name and shame now, but a few people will know who i'm referring to, and as the room went awkwardly silent, all you here is Pt saying "ooooh yeaaah" in his little voice, like he had succeeded! hahaha.

Another was in Mcdonalds with a group of people, and you were sat next to me 'plaiting' my hair, but by the end of it, my hair was the knottiest mess I have ever seen, and I had to go home and get my Mum to help me undo all the knots! So thanks for that!

All these messages from everyone are so heart-warming, and your Family should be so proud to call you their Son/Brother, because you were so loved, If only you could see Facebook, and everyones pictures, you've taken over Facebook, we may as well call you Zuckerberg! Hope you're doing okay up there, everyone misses you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

— Charlotte Gardner

I know this isn't the first time I have posted on here, but I don't care. This still isn't real to me pt. I am reading these comments thinking they are just comments about you for something like a year book not because its your memorial page. Memorial Page?! This shouldn't be happening. I keep breaking into out bursts of crying and pain when I start believing that any of this is real. I miss you so much and I hate that I didn't see you last week, I was stressed because of exams but none of that seems at all worth it now. I would give anything to have one last memory with you, one last conversation with you, one more "Maz can I borrow a pound?" or "walk to Asda?" You always wanted to borrow a pound even though you had money! You always said "well I saving my pounds so when I'm older I will be rich!" :')

I still think all of this is going to happen. Last night we were all at Tahra's house and I kept thinking you would turn up or you were running late.

I remember the first time I ever met you, I had heard of you before because lets be honest, everyone knew who pt was! I was with Gareth and the rest of the crew. We were outside Cineworld Cinema and you were waiting there all on your own with a big grin on your face. I spoke to you and said " You're PT!" and we hugged. I remember the film we saw was Kick Ass and you were saying that you wanted your child to be like the girl in it because she said "dipshit" and "douche" :') Ever since that day we were great friends. We were always having movie nights over gaz's and football sessions in p town park (I watched not played because no one would let me </3) I remember this one time when Dan broke your trousers! :') I have photos of that. And the way you said "Andre!" and face palm every time he did something stupid (sorry Andre!)

I also remember when you were trying to make a move on this girl and I was sitting the other side of her, you put your arms round her and then grabbed my leg instead of hers.... smooth. I just said "pt, thats my leg!" you subtly tried to cover it up but lets be honest, we all knew what you were upto from that moment on! :') I cant believe my house will never see your beautiful face ever again, there were so many memories here. House Parties, movie nights, bbq's. You were always there and didn't miss any of it.... Unless any of these happened before 3pm because it was impossible to get you out of bed before then!

I know there is a lot here and I could never write every memory I have of you because there is a life times worth. And I promise I will remember every detail for a life time. I have read every comment on here, I love reading your university stories because they are things I didn't know or share with you. I love the beautiful words which everyone has written about you and its all so true.

I wonder when this will all sink in. I don't think it ever will.

I will stop rambling on now. I miss you Matthew Ian Peattie, always will <3

— Mary-Anne Gorey

I cant believe it mate, you were a sick guy, which you decided to text yourself from my phone, one of the nicest people I've met at uni and it was a privilege knowing you! Gonna miss you man, my thoughts are with your family and closest friends. RIP 'PT and the boys' for life X

— Bhavik Mistry

Rest in peace pt, such sad news thoughts go out to your close friends and family Xx

— Jessica williams

Like a few people this is my second message on here, as since my last one I have been reminded of so many other things about you.

The way you used to wear your boxers stupidly high and pull your socks right up and refuse to pull them down, even though it looked a little bit silly. I still don't understand how you managed to walk so slowly everywhere.

In Magaluf you pretty much stole my lilo because you couldn't swim, then you would panic when I actually wanted to use it. Everyday you would come in our room to use my hair dryer to dry your shorts, until you burnt a hole in them which I had to sew up.

For my 17th and fancy dress night in Gay Newquay you wore the same costume, you dressed as a retard, I'm sorry but wearing your clothes backwards doesn't count as a costume!

This site just shows how loved you were, aswell as the amount of people putting their profile pictures of them and you on facebook.

Just wanted to say thanks to Alex aswell for making this website so everyone can remember the good times, of which there are many.

It will be impossible to forget you xx

— Ciara O'Beirne

Rest in peace Mat, you had such a beautiful influence on so many peoples lives, and being able to see the smiles that you could put on peoples faces as well as your own was something incredibly special and will never be forgotten! My thoughts and wishes go out to all your closest friends and family! X

— Alice

Pt and Tizzle. Mate the bond we had.. people search a lifetime for something that special. You just got me man, the countless good times we've shared throughout the years will never be forgotten. I just don't believe you're gone, its never gunna sink in. Last time i saw you was your birthday, we were so f*%ked up that night man, we fell asleep to a fricking harry potter audio tape. I feel truly blessed to have been your friend and apart of your life, I will always be thinking of you, Rest in Peace. I love you man xxx

Ps. Gunna dig up some piccys of us from back in the day, although it’ll be more embarrassing for me i guess, as i was so fat back then..

— Mikey Tann

Such tragic news, I’ve known you since primary school and like everyone has said you really were always smiling, such a genuine and happy person and a best friend to so many people. You will be greatly missed by everyone, Rest in peace Peattie xxxx

— Tania Sparks

So who's gunna take the piss out of my driving when I pick you up then? Or how bad I am in chemistry? Seriously though peattieeeee you are the nicest guy ever, hands down. A smile that noone will forget. Thoughts are with your poor family and friends xx

— Alice Ford

You will be very much missed by so many PT. My thoughts with your loved ones.

Rest in peace xx

— Christina Thomas

Literally just heard about this and I can't believe it, still in shock. You were an amazing person and you will be missed by everyone. Rest in peace xxxx

— Megan Carr

There was one star last night and it shone brighter than any I'd seen before. No doubt that it was you, you'll never be gone to me. The memories will stay with me everyday day. I still can't understand any of what has happened. Such a healthy, happy young man.

I'm so gutted I hadn't seen you in so long and we never got to go to the black clubs! Next time I'm out, I'll go in tribute of you and your love for the black musics :P Watched how high yesterday, now I definitely know your partying with biggie and 2pac like you always wanted.

Never met anyone like you before, that just clicked with everybody he met. Take care of yourself up there! Love you and miss you xx

— Erica Henderson

I had the privilege of meeting Peattie at Uni and he was such a fantastic character. Never without that infectious smile...and he used to say I was the one with the cheesy grin! I have many memories of Peattie but the ones that spring to mind are Peattie making his famous BBQ rice in our kitchen along with his accomplish Le Jeune, Peattie refusing to get changed to go out on a night until the taxi was booked (in case he got sweaty!), his pink onesie that became his standard chilling outfit and the abuse he gave me for my really northern accent. Peattie was an amazing person who was genuinely liked by everyone. I can't quite begin to imagine what block 17 will be like without his presence. My thoughts are with his family at this awful time...if he has managed to touch my life within six months I dread to think how his family must be feeling. Rest peacefully Peattie...we will always remember you and the memories we made together! Love always xxxxxx

— Emily Bowers

I remember how you always used to tell me I should wear black and red on a night out because it stays in a boys mind, and when we’d go shopping you would pick up one black shoe and one red and tell me that they would make the perfect combination. Last time I saw you we were discussing getting new onsies and the excitement in your voice when I told you that you could get an Easter bunny one was beautiful.

My happiest memories over the last 3 years are with you, following nuns round Roath park, exchanging crazy animal facts, spending our Friday night at Bingo, taking 3 hours to get back from Starbucks in the bay because we were both so horrendous with directions. When you came to London we roamed around Chelsea for hours not particularly looking for anything or going anywhere, just eyeing up the houses, and when we got back to my flat you forced me to stay up and watch the Grinch even though I was knackered and hung-over. I think that will always be one of my favourite nights.

I will miss your gorgeous smile, and your tatty black trainers which I always secretly wished you’d replace, I’m going to miss trying to make you revise and the way you would laugh at Hannah’s drunk voice. There never will be anyone quite like you PT, thank you for being such a special part of my life, I love you so much.


— Eluned Hyde

Such a massive loss. I still can’t believe it. You are one of the happiest people I know and as everyone has said, you were always smiling. One of the easiest people to talk to, don’t know anyone who could have said a single bad thing about you, you were literally loved by everyone you met! I remember in Magaluf when you walked onto the beach and everyone double took and was going on about your chest haha!

You couldn’t have summed up your personality better by your tag line on twitter “could have had a better day, but crying’s a waste of time.”. You’ve inspired me to look at life with a more positive outlook.

Thanks for being an amazing person.

My heart goes out to all your family and close friends.

— Emily Tatford

This has really hit me hard mate, I miss you so much. I wish I could just get one last text off you saying "love you gazzy", or see that award winning smile/rear again.

I'll be watching American History X for you in the next week, and searching for obscure rappers to listen to whilst I play fifa. I'll make sure Huw plays Mandanda instead of Lloris because we all know Steve is better. I always laughed when you two bickered over the French no. 1 jersey...

Love you brother.

— Gareth Downs

I haven't been lucky enough to know Peattie as well as many on here but, like many have said, Peattie certainly was remembered since i first saw him. My sister lives in his block and whenever i came and stayed Peattie always seemed to be in the same pink onesie which, even after stating how boiling he was.. he didn't take off. Peattie was one of my sister's friends which stood out and his huge smile is on every memory i can remember. One time, when we all went for a night out, on our walk to the takeaway my heels hurt so much i took them off and attempted it bare footed but Peattie leant me his shoes and was happy to try to do the walk in my heels:') He was soo kind, sweet and just an amazing guy to be around..

my thought's are with Peattie's family and friends through this difficult time..

— Ellie Brian

mate, i don't know where to begin, when i heard the news my heart sank, i didn't want to believe it. The most genuine, nice guy i've ever met, always smiling, always positive, no matter what the situation, and so easy to get along with, gonna miss you so much buddy, rest in peace.

— Youssef Loutfi

The first time I met you you'd only just woken up after midday, and I'll always remember how that seemed to be the pattern every time I came round. Always cheerful and up for a laugh, and one of the kindest, most selfless people I've ever met. To lose you at this stage is tragic, but I'm honoured to have played a part in your life, however small that part was. They say only the good die young, and you were one of the best.

Much love mate x

— Harry Ashman

Such a sad loss to lose someone as nice as matt. knew him from years playing football together at pentyrch and school aswell. we had some laughs pt and wont foget them. thoughts are with the family at this sad time. going to miss you matt. R.I.P Butty <3 xxxx

— Jordan Jones

It is still beyond my wildest thoughts, writing this message about someone who I considered not only a close friend but a brother. I don't think I can ever except the fact that I have lost you PT. I have cherished every single moment I spent with you over these years. The way you used to brighten up my day every morning with that gorgeous smile of yours! I will miss the time we spent in mcdonalds, those sing-alongs to 'Wonderman' and the lunch time football sessions. I remember clearly the first time I met you in year 8, I asked you the way to a class room and you misdirected me to the wrong class! I will always remember how we got lost in Magaluf because of your sense of direction, how you made me open a bottle of beer with my teeth and how you used to embarrass me in fifa despite me cheating. I will miss lunch time trips to KFC and Mcdonalds with you, sharing chicken buckets and chicken mayos. I will miss the dance moves you had and your beautiful voice. I will always remember that moment when you thought that the music in my car was better than in Cameron's car, haha. The moment when you used to say something seriously, only to burst out in laughter seconds later just to 'mess' with me. The ethnic pictures we have will also be incomplete without you! You have always encouraged me during school life, always told me that I could achieve what I wanted. One of the most genuine people I have ever met in my life. I feel privileged to have known a gem like you. Will forever miss you and think about you. Wish I could speak to you for the very last time since I had so much to tell you. You will always be a special part of my life. Rest in peace brother. My thoughts out to your family.

Hope I'm still your 'favourite Indian'!

Will miss you tremendously xx

— Eshan Mazumdar

Having the gang of cousins together at New Year as far back as I can remember has provided me with so many happy times and memories.

You were such a positive person, and you will be so missed. All my love to Uncle Ken, Auntie Sue and Alex.

— Richard Thorne

This is my second message but still i dont think it will ever be enough to express my feelings about such a great friend <3 its so hard to write this message because I still dont think its sunk in. Visting your family today really helped and made me remember memories that I have had with you. Like Ashley said in his comment there is a huge hole in our group now and that was because you had a huge impact on all of our lives. Never did you walk around without a smile on your face.

I have so many memories and I could sit here for hours writing them all out..I remember ringing you from Canada when I was at the top of a mountain and forgot the time difference, it didnt matter though because of course you were up! I'm going to miss LNC's, The AC Crew never went on there second outing but our game of golf when you got that hole in one and trying to convince the rest of us you could do it again was another of my long list of memories between us. Your mum reminded me of the surprise party i threw for you at Annas and i remember walking down from your house to Annas and you were going on about getting a double cheesy because you hadnt had one in awhile .. think you were a tiny bit gutted when you realised we werent then actually going to mcdo! Ive had countless long conversations with you, so many were pointless stories or you laughing at me because I couldnt say certain words but everyone had a significant meaning to me. There are so many conversations that are playing in my mind, each one means so much to me and I will never forget the things you said.

You were a big part of my life PT and I dont think I could ever forget the things you did for me. I saw you last at the beach and Im so glad I also have that memory of you. These past few days have been so tough but focusing on our good times has helped, also the support from others that meant so much to you have been absolutely amazing. You will never be far from my thoughts PT and Im going to miss you so so much. <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

— Emma James

From the 3 months I knew you, I don't think I have ever met such a laid back, funny and genuine human. I had some great moments with you PT; getting away from paying 50 quid to a taxi driver after Karan threw up in his taxi, walking around Birmingham going from bar to bar in our mootiful onesies and how you told me you were going to get your mum to write a letter of complaint to gatecrasher for not letting us in one night!

Im still in shock, you became a great friend within a very short space of time and i wish i got to see you before i left birmingham buddy. Will miss you xx

— Juj Sandhu

For some reason only the first line of my last message showed up so Im re-writing it just so I can share my amazing memories of you. Really don't think its fully sunk in yet and it doesnt seem real but visting your family yesterday made me realise even more how much you meant to me. Like Ashley said in his post there is a huge hole in our group now because you were a huge part of all our lives.

I will never forget the endless conversations i had with you, LNCs until 4am, so many walks to mcdo and asdas where you made me listen to some rap song off your phone. Il never forget standing at the top of a mountain in Canada ringing you to tell you my feet were hurting, luckily even because of the time difference you were still up! Normally our conversations were about pointless things but you never failed to laugh at something that i couldnt say! Il never forget one party when you got so drunk that I spent most of the night holding up your trousers because they kept falling down while you were passed out over the front wall.. Told you you shouldnt of drank all that whisky! I could write endless amounts of memories I have with you, the surprise birthday party, when we went on a run, driving to Aberdare, there are so many conversations with you that are just replaying in my mind over and over ...

Never have i met such an amazing person like you who never stopped smiling. You were always there for me and I know that if i needed you, you would of dropped everything for me. Ive got so many memories and photos that are just ours and those will never be taken away from me. This week has been so tough but the support from everyone has been amazing, everyone loves and misses you so much. Im so glad that I saw you at the beach the other day and I have that to remember aswell.. You will always be in my thoughts PT and Im so glad that I had you as a best friend. <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

— Emma James

PT, what can I say you were an amazing friend and great to be around. You were always smiling and had a fantastic positive attitude on life which has inspired me. Since leaving Radyr Comp I didn't see much of you, only at parties, nights out and of course poker nights. I regret not seeing more of you and the others in the last two years but obviously we were all pre-occupied. Poker nights will never be the same without you. I could always tell when you had a good hand because it was the only time you made a bet!

I know your in a good place right now looking down on all of us. I'm going to miss you buddy.


— Carlton Venn

PT!! I'm still shocked and cant believe this terrible news.

Although it was only a year spent in economics with you, lessons would have never been as memorable as you made them.. All the banter about me not having a surname, the Jerome and 'taliban' jokes you busted on me along with Owen will never be forgotten.. and that one time when we had a whole banter of 'The naked lady on the bus' left me in stitches .. I will miss teasing you about the ladies you had hooked on you and definitely the moment where we pretended to be the most 'hood' people in school.. I regret the fact that the last time I saw you was about a year back but you've left memorable memories behind.. You'll never be forgotten Peattie<3

— Kanika

About a fortnight ago I had a conversation with a friend about how you were one of the most popular people we knew, how fond of you everyone was. I am sorry that you never heard that. I am also sorry that you didn’t get to see all of these wonderful comments people have to make about you – you deserve each and every one of them! You had a smile that could change someone’s day and I know that I, like so many others, will really miss seeing you wear it (even if it was just on a night out in Revs)!! Your family and close friends have lost a genuine, incredible, happy guy and we’re all thinking of them at this time. So rest peacefully PT, we can only hope you did know what a difference you made to every life you touched.

— Bekah Thompson

I feel greatly sadened by Matthew's unfortunate and untimely death and there are no words to describe the utter grief that I felt when I got the news. I met Matthew when he was perhaps 12 or 13 years old and I can certainly recall that he was a lovely young man with lot of potential for the future. I saw his recent photos on the web and he certainly looks very smart, joyful, friendly and a talented young person. Please accept my sincerest condolences and I pray that Ken and Sue will find the strength to get them through their grief and sadness.

Yours in mutual grief,

Ahmad Jamal

— Dr Ahmad Jamal

I still can't believe this is the reason i will be visiting you in Cardiff!

Peattie, you really did struggle to down drinks like a Freshaaarr, yet you made up for this in so many ways and really were the life and soul of Block 17. Everyone believed you and your infectious grin would be a permanent fixture in our lives for many years to come and undoubtedly still will be and never forgotten!

I remember the night we saw J. Cole and you fancied the long walk back to Tennis Courts rather than just a standard taxi. We talked about everything from our past and what we looked forward to in the future and i had every faith that you would go on to achieve your goals. You wanted a McDonalds or a 'McDough' as you called it but as it was shut it we settled for a sandwich from tesco! haha.

To touch the hearts of so many is a testament to how much of an amazing person you were and i feel privileged for you to have been part of my life. You made the most of every moment by staying awake to stupid o’clock in the morning while others called it a night and your care-free attitude inspired all around you. Miss you bro xx

I think you will remain the only person i will ever know to swig a spirit and mixer from two different bottles one after another and never mix them! Truly inspirational! ;)

— Dominic De Vere

My deepest condolences to Ken and Sue for the very tragic loss of your deloved Matthew. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at his very difficult time.

— Dr Celine Chew

This website speaks loudly of the joy Mathew brought to so many. To me he will always be part of the gang of little boys who hung out at our house after school, who played wild games outside with inexplicably complex rules and lots of weapons, who stayed for sleepovers and always seemed to end up on a sofa rather than the floor. We had some trips with his brother Alex and my boys, Rich and Will, to the country. Picnics by the river, scrambling through the woods and throwing sticks for dogs - the sort of lovely days that childhoods should be made of. He will always be part of those memories for me. Everyone has talked about his smile and Mathew was one of the most beautiful little boys I ever saw. It is heart-breaking to think that he is gone.

— Helena Fox

I still really don't know where to start or what to say. Your life impacted so many in a positive way and everyone who knew you now appreciates the memories and stories they have to to remember you by.

Some of my earlier memories of you are of meeting at Cub's, coming to your house for the first time and playing vertical fishing on the Dreamcast and one day ending up in the same form at Radyr and chilling (when you were in)

One thing we shared was our love of sports. We played Table Tennis at the school for a year or two, you always beat me, it even came close when you used your left hand.

We played football together at Pentyrch, the stand out memories being you scoring a wonder goal for it only to be called offside, causing considerable bemusement to yourself and when you fell over controlling the ball so dramatically that everyone on the pitch was left in hysterics.

We also went on run's down the Taff Trail, not really for the run, but for the conversations we had. It was on these run's that I got to know you best, as you relentlessly put your true opinions out in the open regarding subjects from Stoke to Girl's to teacher's to music. While the subject matters were unpredictable, one thing was for sure, the runs finished swiftly as a flavoured water from Tesco or a snack at Mcdo always appealed.

Also, I will always remember your leg shaking which took place in the den but most memorably in Business Studies. While an hour of your desk shaking and floor banging was slightly annoying and resulted in me holding your leg down every 2 minutes, it was always a lesson I looked forward going to as we had a lot of laugh's.

Other memories which keep circling in my head include:

1.Our mutual disgust at Chris' shutting down which meant no more 3 for a £1. 2.You sheltering under a trolley park in Asda during a torrential storm after being dragged out the house by you and the boys. 3.Your refusal to buy Double Cheesey's after their price increase 'out of principle.' 4. Looking at your Tesco History of Britain Poster in your den together one day. 5. When we played Golf and you got a Birdie, sinking the ball from at least 60 yards.

There are so many more memories I have which will be shared and never forgotten.

Miss you so much PT <3 xxx

— David Walker

I’m totally devastated and lost for words. My heart goes out to Ken Sue and Alex and all of PT’s family and friends.

I loved to hear the funny stories Ryan told me about PT when coming home after a weekend of non -stop FIFA , and the subtle banter between PT Ryan Glen Dave and Owen

I feel honoured to have known PT through my son .PT was a very popular, funny, gentle and caring person, yet so laid back. A legend and a loss felt by everyone!

— Dave Jenkins

PT, you had an amazing positive energy that everyone loved to be around and will be missed dearly. Spotting your beautiful smile in Risa a month ago made my night! Couldn’t believe that I hadn’t seen you in Birmingham sooner but was so so happy to see you. My thoughts & prayers are with your family and friends at this tragic time. All my love <3

— Tina Chow

Your truely are an amazing person and so loved by so many.Never forget nights out with you, and one of the funniest times I've had with you is when it took me, you, lin and lucy 4 hours to get to starbucks and back, getting completely lost as you tried to google map it, none of us knowing our way! You will be missed always pt xxxxxxxxx

— Jessica Johns

Dear Ken, Sue and Alex, I am devastated with this news and am so, so sorry. Please accept my deepest sympathy with you as a very dear family. I would dearly have wished to be with you tomorrow but unfortunately I am away from Cardiff. Please rest assured that I have very many fond memories of Matthew and of you as a dear family during his time and yours at Bryn Deri. Yours in deepest sorrow, Sarah (Barr).

— Sarah Barr

I've posted a photo of Matt with my daugther Nell cutting cake at her third birthday in 1996. They were the best of friends at nursery, everyday Nell would tell me what fun she'd had playing games with Matt and Daniel.

Although they've grown apart as they've grown up, I've managed to stay in touch with Sue and Ken and have seen the boys now and again too. They certainly grew up into fine young men but I'll always remember Matt as a happy, curly haired little boy with a lovely smile.

Words cannot express the deep saddeness that such a tragic loss brings, our thoughts are with all his family and friends at this difficult time.

Stuart, Elaine, Tess, Nell and Meg,


— Stuart

It feels weird writing this when I always assumed i'd see you about, chat, and laugh with you again. My favourite memories, has to be your 'Peattie-isms', mainly directed at me for saying something stupid. 'What you talking about Jamie' and 'That's nasty' have to be my personal favourites. The day where you, me, Ben and Davison spent like four hours playing football in Tongwynlais' fields brings back happier times, i'm gutted you won't be around for just a random day of hanging out. Thanks for the memories mate, I miss you. x

— Jamie Payne

Never ever thought I'd be writing something like this for you PT, and I don't really know what to say. Today is going to be incredibly hard for everyone, no-one wants the reality to sink in and to say goodbye to such an amazing person.

I remember in Magaluf when you found me wandering on the pier and sat me down on the edge and we just talked for ages about our problems and you were more than happy to give me advice on anything I wanted to speak to you about. Then you decided that I wouldve fallen off the pier so decided to drag me along the floor, scratching my back although you claimed that you were 'saving my life'. I also remember when we both were locked out of our rooms at like 6am so went for a walk around the town to go to Mcdo (as usual) but it was closed so just went to the beach and watched the sunrise laying on the sunloungers with Ben and Andre.

I loved the fact that you always used to wear a hoodie to play football at lunchtime, regardless of the temperature outside and refused to remove it even after the game had finished and we had to sit in class. Whenever I asked you if you were hot or to just take off the hoodie, your reply was always "Nah mate". Playing in Pentyrch with you was so much fun, you were always so happy playing football with all those crazy skills that I can only dream of doing.. like 'around the world' which you seemed to do all the time, and sometimes with other objects like rugby balls etc.. I'll always remember how you used to ask me after every match whether my left nipple was hurting cos yours always was due to the badge on the shirt. One day you came up with a solution, "tit tape" which made me laugh so much.

I still have no idea to this day how you had such big chest muscles but it could be partly down to the way you walked if I'm honest. You always seemed to be smiling with that award winning smile apart from the times when we had staring competitions and you used to always win because I got freaked out with the face you pulled.

Rinsing you about Stoke and Basingstoke in I.T in year 10/11 and also 6th form was another highlight of mine. I have no idea why you supported such random teams but it was unique and pretty much sums up you as a person. I loved how whenever I went round yours, you always seemed to have about 20 youtube tabs open and wanted me to listen to some of the songs you had found with horrendous lyrics and by rappers that the majority of people had never heard of. Your den was such a good place to chill out, despite the limited space and the insane amounts of tissues on the floor, bin, desk etc. I remember I beat you once on Fifa and was so chuffed, until you beat me like 4 times in a row after that.

You were such a good friend to everyone and I've never known a person to make friends with literally everyone, including strangers.. I wish I could be that social and care-free. Everyone loved you and I still stand by the fact that it was a fix that you weren't Prom King in year 11, you should've won hands down!

I'm gunna miss you so much mate, you have left such a huge gap in our lives, one which no-one else could fill and things will never be the same now. I'll never forget you PT and all the memories I've had with you, it's been a pleasure to know you, spend 7 years of my life with you and to call you one of my best friends.

Rest in Peace forever mate <3

— Adam Heavens

Mathew was loved by everyone, a truly amazing and genuine person. The world won't be the same without him and he will be dearly missed. The ceremony today was beautiful and sentimental, such wonderful words were said about Matt. My thoughts are with his family and friends during this tragic time x

— Meg Lewis

I still can’t believe it. You were such an amazing and genuine person and you were loved by so many people. I’m glad I was able to share so many memories with you from nights out, Magaluf and trips to Mcdo (including the time we forced Gaz to go and buy us a cheeseburger at 2am because we were both hungry and neither of us had any money)

You had such a massive impact on so many people’s lives and you will be missed so much. Rest in peace PT <3 xxxxxx

— Beth Harrington

mat, i never really spoke to you properly, but whenever i saw you, you always had a big smile on your face, you always seemed happy. it's horrible that i didn't get the chance to get to know you, but i know for a fact everyone has something nice to say about you. rest in peace sweetie xxx

— Ellie Lewis

Mate, i was at your funeral today (as i'm sure you know watching up there with your eagle eyes) and it's time to say one last goodbye and one ultimate thank you!

Everyone who was there today has been changed. We all left that chapel with a renewed spirit of childlike playfulness and a willingness to be kinder and more accepting of everyone around us just like you were. Life isn't about making it to the end, it's about how you affect the road you took along the way. Thank you so much for teaching me something today that i might have never learnt on my own. It's a real testament to you and your family and to the friends we share in Block 17 that today i laughed more than i cried. The world will never forget you PT, whenever anyone who knew you treats their neighbour in a higher regard than they treat themselves, it'll be because you taught us that that was how our neighbours ought to be treated. Our neighbours owe you one. :-P

So this is it, one last goodbye. I can't thank you enough PT for picking Birmingham at 3am on the night before the UCAS deadline. You changed my life.

p.s. To Zion is definitely your song from now on. Tupac's songs are too hard to sing along to...:-P

Love you man x

— Michael Mekhael

I still can't believe you're gone and I don't want to believe it. You were the best friend I could dream of having. I will miss having our "PT and GD day" which was nearly every day. I have so many memories with you. I will miss the days when we play fifa or go to Morganstown park to play football. Which was pretty much every day last summer. I will never forget the many times we "missioned" to Asda and discussed how economical we both were because we didn't drive and we got lifts everywhere. I will always remember the night in Magaluf when we both went off and had a "bro talk" for the whole night, talking about everything and anything until about 7 in the morning. I will remeber the countless days we played fifa and listened to Justin Bieber.....urm I mean Tupac. I remember when we first started playing fifa I informed you that I had never had to write a Facebook apology. The next game you beat me 9-0. You used to beat me about 6-0 and say "that was quite close". I also remember being 4-0 up at half time and you said "don't get cocky" and beat me 6-4. I never did get a Fifa apology out of you! I will also miss having someone else turning up to a house party with a bottle of vodka and both seeing who could drink the most straight. Also, having someone else with their feet pointing out when they walk. Also, someone else who uses the word "homeslice" I will never forget the last time I spoke to you, was only a few days before it happened. You were so happy and we were planning out our Easter holiday. I'm glad we got one last talk. I'm going to miss my brown sugar and being called your "white lightning". Will miss you homeslice. Love you bro xxxx

— Alex Gray-Davies

The worlds going to a lot duller without you! you could make anyone smile with that grin, your going to be missed by everyone you ever met because you made an impact on us all. rest in peace PT xxxx

— Emily Bright

PT I got to be honest you are one of the people I was sure I would be friends with for life, no matter what I knew we would keep in touch because if you are close friends you know that even if you don’t see each other in a year you will still be able to count on each other and always be there for each other. Unfortunately it’s going to be a very long time till we see each other again but I’m sure we will be just be as close if we ever do.

I still can’t believe you’re gone, but I know you went exactly how you wanted to, since I can remember you have told me over and over, that at your funeral you would have a 2pac song playing all I can say is even after your gone you keep your word. It was amazing and I got to say good choice couldn’t have picked a better one myself. ‘Life Goes On’ is a great song from the best album he ever made.

Since year 10 we have been trying to find every single 2pac song there is, we just agreed that we needed to listen to every word he said. We made an amazing effort mate fair play no one can said we didn’t. I will continue to look even though you are gone, 262 2pac songs and counting (been that way for a good year now though) so many songs remind me of you, without you I wouldn’t of found most of these songs so thanks buddy.

You will continue to make me smile throughout my life through all the music and memories I have of you.

R.I.P PT you’re gone but never forgotten believe that, love you mate.

— John Mouncher

Dear Sue, Ken and Alex! Please accept my deepest condolences for the very sudden loss of your son and brother. My thoughts are with you.

— Natalia Yakovleva

Dear Ken and Sue

My deepest sympathy to you all on the loss of Mathew.

My prayers and thoughts are with you all.

— Penny Smith

I have several memories of Mathew. My wife and I used to baby-sit Mathew and Alex when Ken and Sue went out. Whilst Alex would busy himself reading and completing tomes of homework school seemed to deliver, Mathew just wanted to play. Always grinning and always looking for playful mischief, I realised early on that Mathew's main goal in life was fun! Judging by the photographs and memories of others I have read elsewhere... he fulfilled this goal!

— Rob Morgan

Sue, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers goes out to your family in this difficult time. Looking at pictures and posts, he seems like a true gem. May God bless his soul.

— Anum Baig

I am sorry for your loss, I didn't know Mathew but looking at the rest of the comments he seemed like a great guy.

— Michael Doucas

You will never know just how much I miss you man, I hope you're watching over me up there. Love you.

— Gareth Downs

I miss you. You are my best friend man, I love you.

— Gareth Downs

It's been a while since Ive been able to come on your page. It's too difficult. There's not a day that goes by where I don't miss you, think of you or love you. I still haven't accepted you aren't here anymore but that's because in my eyes you still are here. You are everyday and always will be here in my heart you have never left. Sleep tight my Angel x

— Mary

How do I cope without you :'( I miss you every day, my tears show how special you are to me. I'm so lost without you big brother <3 I need you so much right now. You'll be in my heart forever .. not a day goes by where I don't think of you ! Please come back :'( I love you so much!!! xxxx

— Tahra van Schalkwyk

I need you so much right now :'( please watch over me, I miss you like crazy!xx

— Tahra van Schalkwyk

I've wanted to post on here for a while, and I have never quite known what to say.

That being said, it says a lot about Mat that so many months down the line, having only really cumulatively spent maybe 5 hours with him, he's on my mind so often.

This is no mystery, he had a gift; making people feel special- whenever I saw him he always made me feel like I was his best friend in the world, and that by seeing me he was so much happier. (Obviously not true, testament to the guy himself!)

He was a beautiful person, I wish I had spent more time with him.

Wish I could have got to have known you better-

Rest in peace Buddy xxx

— Rich Selby

Just remembered on my 18th birthday when we found that Busker on Queen Street and stood chanting wonderwall with him, and you forced me to give him a fiver even tho it was MY birthday, i love you xxx

— Eluned

Mathew - Happy Birthday for the 25th of February, "Remembering you with a Smile" as promised,

All our love,

Mum. Dad and Alex XXXXX

— Mum, Dad and Alex

Happy birthday man, I know you are forever looking down on me. I love you xxxx

— Gareth Downs

Happy birthday :)

2 years ago I remember you begging to join my fb event cos you were too lazy to arrange your own 18th ;)

Hope your celebrating well, and making classic jokes.

<3 xxxxx

— Rachel D

I remember the first time we drove to Barry Island, it was dark and you insisted on sitting on the bench closest to the sea. We sat there for hours catching up in the freezing cold, so cold I couldn't feel my hands which made it so hard to drive back! But I'd still go with you every month knowing we'd be on that same bench, cold and speaking and laughing for hours.

There are so many good memories, it was hard to choose one. Happy Birthday to my beautiful friend, who always had me laughing <3 miss you Mathew

— Tahra van Schalkwyk

I only heard about this in early October has some girls from Radyr told me after I mentioned you. I don't know how I never found out before. I just want to say happy twentieth Mat. I hope you enjoyed uni mate. I do wish we could catch up over summer, but know I'm always thinking of you mate.

— Dan Plimmer

Happy 20th Birthday Peattie (:

Miss you and I hope your celebrating it the ghetto way!


— Kanika.D

Happy Birthday PT <3 Been thinking about you all day, wishing you were here to spend it with us, but i know that wherever you are, you'll be smiling, as always :) Its so evident how much you held our friendship group together because its just not the same anymore :( I'm so lucky to have had so many special memories with you and i will cherish them forever. Love you Peattie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

— Hannah

Been on my mind all day so just thought I'd add something here to make sure you know you're not forgotten by us all here in Birmingham.

Who knows what we would be getting up to if you were here mate, although I'm sure you're having fun wherever you are.

Miss you everyday and still think about you as much as when I wrote my first message.


— Henry Le Jeune

Happy Birthday for yesterday Peattie, You did not leave my thoughts all day.. had Tupac on repeat just thinking about all the memories. Wish we could have all celebrated your birthday with you, but i know wherever you are, your smiling as always. Its so evident how strongly you held our friendship group together because it's just not the same without you :( I'm so lucky to have had you in my life and the memories will never be forgotten. Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

— Hannah Ellis

1 whole year has passed man since I saw you last, yet I still can't get my head around it in the slightest. You got taken from us in an instant and I spend my days praying I'll see you again.

Today we're going to do so many things to remember you by, involving some fried chicken, Morgan Freeman in Shawshank and (as Glen put it) listening to an obnoxious amount of rap music by unknown rappers. We'd never have given you the satisfaction of encouraging you to play the rap videos with 300 views on youtube but you got your way in the end.

I miss you so much that I cannot put it into words and do it justice. I hope you're up there watching down on all of us.

I love you, bro and I'll always remember the time we spent together because it was the best I've known.

— Gareth Downs

Been thinking about Peattie all today, remembering your beautiful smile is getting me through. (I even made sure I was wearing a ralph lauren jumper just for you today, you'd be proud) Birmingham just hasn't been the same without you, you will never ever be forgotten. I am so glad i met you. Thinking about your family. Lots of love xxxxx

— Sophie Surman

Happy birthday man! I can't even imagine the stuff we'd get up to in celebration of you turning 21. I hope you have a great day up there. Do keep an eye on me Mat because not a day goes by that I don't think about you. I miss and love you bro xxxxxxx

— Gareth

Spending today remembering all the good times we had together pt x

— Henry Le Jeune